foot pain

We all know dealing with any type of pain is a daunting experience. However, if you have pain in your hands or feet, it is a whole other monster. The hands and feet have a horde of nerves, small bones, muscles, and ligaments that, if damaged, make it extremely difficult to diagnose. This is why if you are feeling pain in your feet, a thorough examination by a podiatrist or physiotherapist is a must.

Physiotherapy Hacks for Various Types of Foot Pain

1 – Heel or Injuries to the Hindfoot

One of the most common types of injuries of the heel is a condition called plantar fasciitis. The pain may occur anywhere on the arch of the foot but is most commonly felt as an intense, sharp pain under the heel. This condition is often caused by the way the foot moves. Usually, there is a severe weight displacement, causing the pain. To put it very simply, people who experience plantar fasciitis put too much weight on a certain part of the foot, causing the plantar fascia to overload and become sore.

Physiotherapy Remedy:

Many people who suffer from heel pain have flat feet or high foot arches. The first suggestion podiatrists may recommend is to use orthotics or therapeutic shoes that will help support high arches or flat feet. You may also benefit from exercise rehabilitation to improve single leg stability and intrinsic foot strength that will help support high arches or flat feet.

2 – Midfoot Injuries

The injuries that affect the midfoot affect the tendons and bones in the middle part of the foot. If the midfoot is subject to extreme stress, injuries in this area may occur. People who are regularly on their feet and partake in regular jumping and running exercises are usually the most at risk when it comes to midfoot pain. 

Physiotherapy Remedy:

The treatment methods available for this type of foot pain are footwear modifications, strapping the area for support, and in extreme cases surgery. Usually, physiotherapists will recommend the patient to give the affected tendon or bone enough time to recover and heal itself, and will then gradually load the area with progressive weight bearing exercises to strengthen the midfoot and eventually return to activities. 

3 – Forefoot or Injuries to the Toe Region

Lastly, there are injuries to the toe region or forefoot. Damage to this part of the foot may be caused by accidentally kicking or slamming the front part of the foot into hard surfaces, or can be caused by repetitive strain. The pain patients feel can be caused by damage to either the nerves, tendons, or ligaments that are located in the forefoot.

Physiotherapy Remedy:

Allowing the injuries to heal is the first line of therapy that will be recommended. Then, your physiotherapist may also recommend special footwear that will avoid you having to put weight on the forefoot and like with the above, you will gradually be reintroduced to weight-bearing through rehabilitative exercise. 


Pain in the feet should never be taken lightly. Dealing with foot pain may be really stressful and may greatly affect how you go about your daily activities. The pain and limitation, if not promptly dealt with, can progress to the point that you’ll need to be off your feet and immobilized in a splint for weeks. The good news is that there is a remedy for foot pain. The first step is getting an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan from a physiotherapist. 

Put a stop to your foot pain today by contacting Invigor Health. We offer physiotherapy that fixes your pain and future-proofs your body. Feel fit, active, and pain-free for the long-term. Come in for a consultation and get rid of foot pain today!

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