To prepare for a marathon requires intense preparation, dedication and skill. Planning the race-day decisions is also an important part. Following a few guidelines can help you restore balance to your body. In turn, the race will be a much better experience as a whole.
Three weeks before the marathon, run a long distance at a comfortable pace. This is your last long run. It takes this long for the training-induced muscle damage to resolve, so adding one more long run could hurt rather than help you. You will gain minimal benefit and could develop “dead legs” during the marathon.
Two weeks before the marathon, reduce your mileage by 25% to 50% compared to the previous week, and cut this in half a week before the race. The final two weeks before a race do not exist to make up for missed workouts. You cannot undo missed training. You are ready for the race if you trained throughout the entire period leading up to it.
One thing you can do to prepare your body for a race is to taper your running schedule during the week prior. That way, you will be able to run faster with less effort. Even if stress prevents you from sleeping well the night before the race, you will still be able to get a full week of rest before the race, which combined with two or three days of hard training, should be enough to prepare your body for the race.
Pre-Marathon Food and Drink
The day before the race, drink a lot of water and eat a diet rich in complex carbohydrates, such as breads, rice, pasta and starchy vegetables. This will optimize your hydration before you hit the start line.
Stay away from foods with a lot of fat, such as steak and other meats and nuts and seeds. This will reduce the amount of cholesterol your body produces and help you hydrate better. Stay away from salt for the week prior to the race and on race day. This will reduce the amount of water your body retains, which will help you hydrate better.
Health Assessment
Running 26 miles in one go is no simple task for your body. Most people who run marathons have never run more than one in their lives. They need to get a health assessment before they start training for a marathon.
Generally, we put our health on the back burner. In fact, one study in the UK suggests that we’re among the worst-off when it comes to being proactive about our health. This can lead to lots of problems going unnoticed, treated too late, or altogether ignored until something dangerous happens.
Going on a marathon will take a lot out of your body. It’s important to make sure it’s in the right shape to do just that!
Training is an important aspect for many facets of life, including marathons. It’s key to prepare well, including paying close attention to food and drink. What’s just as important is to get health assessments.
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