Remedial massage and myotherapy may seem similar at first, but they are very different in several aspects. Beginning with the way they work and why people use them, let’s compare both so you can pick which one is best for you.

Remedial massage is a hands-on treatment that aims to relieve pain and restore function for starters. It works to help relieve pain, but it is not a cure for any specific condition. The treatment is used for a wide range of physical issues and can come in handy for anyone who needs some relief from the pain and stress their body has endured.

On the other hand, myotherapy is a specific form of treatment for musculoskeletal issues and how they are functioning. This hands-on procedure helps to relieve pain and stiffness in more specific areas or conditions. 

Here are six things you need to know when choosing between remedial massage and myotherapy: 

1. Scope of Conditions

Remedial massage has a wide range of uses, from helping to relieve pain from an injury to improving posture. Because remedial massage is a general treatment, there are no specific conditions that it works on.

On the other hand, myotherapy is specifically used to treat specific conditions. For this reason, if you want treatment for a particular body part, myotherapy is the way to go. 

 2. Pain Relief

Both types of massage are used to relieve pain. Remedial massage and myotherapy increase blood flow to the affected muscle to ease stressed or inflamed areas. By increasing blood flow, more oxygen and nutrients are brought to the muscle, which helps decrease the pain. While the muscle is being treated, the overall muscle tone is increased, which can also help to reduce the pain.

3. Treatment Process and Frequency

The method of delivering remedial massage and myotherapy is quite different, depending on the patient’s condition. While both involve massage, the technique used for each varies. In addition, both remedial massage and myotherapy are set on a schedule to ensure that the muscle is being treated at regular intervals.

4. How They Work

Both treatments work by putting some pressure on the part of the body that hurts. However, in the case of myofascial release, the main way these treatments work is to rub the area that needs help. Most of the time, the pressure is kept low to work., while deep pressure is usually applied for remedial massage.

5. How It Feels

Myotherapy can be a bit more painful in most cases because myofascial release can find and treat trigger points better than massage. The practitioner may also place extra pressure on the client’s body. 

Despite the slight discomfort during treatment in both treatments, the client may feel “loose” and relaxed, feeling strengthened and invigorated for another busy week at work, perhaps. Both treatments can help you get your body back in shape, maintain energy levels, and relieve stress.

6. Price Point

The original price for remedial massage was actually intended to be cheaper than myotherapy. However, as the popularity of both has grown, the price has also risen. The average cost for each treatment is roughly the same.

You may find that one treatment is better than the other, but that is only because it was designed for your particular needs.


For those who have special concerns, myotherapy is the best option to deal with the root cause of the pain to get long-term results. However, remedial massage is meant to help people deal with body and muscle pain in general. So, it is a more popular treatment than myotherapy. 

Are you looking for remedial massage therapy in Sydney? At Invigor Health, we can excellently provide that for you. We believe that holistic treatments are superior since they provide long-term benefits. We provide affordable physiotherapy to relieve your discomfort plus strengthen and stabilise your body to feel physically fit, active, and pain-free for a long time. Contact us to discover more about how physiotherapy can change your life today!

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